Math 303: Section 24
\[ \def\R{{\mathbb R}} \def\P{{\mathbb P}} \def\b{{\mathbf{b}}} \def\x{{\mathbf{x}}} \def\y{{\mathbf{y}}} \def\u{{\mathbf{u}}} \def\v{{\mathbf{v}}} \def\w{{\mathbf{w}}} \def\z{{\mathbf{z}}} \def\M{{\mathcal{M}}} \DeclareMathOperator{\null}{Nul} \DeclareMathOperator{\span}{Span} \DeclareMathOperator{\dim}{dim} \newcommand{\set}[1]{\left\{ {#1} \right\}} \newcommand{\setof}[2]{{\left\{#1\,\colon\,#2\right\}}} \]
Upshot: Every basis for a vector space \(V\) has the same number of vectors in it.
Definition 1 A finite-dimensional vector space is a vector space that can be spanned by a finite number of vectors. The dimension of a non-trivial finite-dimensional vector space is the number of vectors in a basis for \(V\). The dimension of the trivial space is defined to be 0. We denote the dimension of \(V\) by \(\dim(V)\).
Find the dimensions of each of the following spaces. Justify your answers.
Let \(W = \setof{(a+b) + (a-b) t + (2a+3b)t^2}{a,b\in\R}\).
Let \(V\) be a finite dimensional vector space of dimension \(n\) and let \(W\) be a subspace of \(V\). Explain why \(W\) cannot have dimension larger than \(\dim(V)\), and if \(W\ne V\), then \(\dim(W) < \dim(V)\).
Typically, we need to verify two properties to confirm that a given set \(S\) of vectors forms a basis for a vector space \(W\):
But! If we know \(\dim(W)\) ahead of time, things are a bit simpler.
For all that follows, let \(W\) be a subspace of a vector space \(V\) with \(\dim(W) = k\).
Suppose first that \(S\) is a subset of \(W\) containing \(k\) vectors, and is linearly independent. Let’s show that \(\span(S) = W\).
Now suppose that \(S\) is a subset of \(W\) with \(k\) vectors that spans \(W\). Let’s show \(S\) is linearly independent.
Theorem 1 Let \(W\) be a subspace of dimension \(k\) of a vector space \(V\) and let \(S\) be a subset of \(W\) containing exactly \(k\) vectors.