The Dot Product in Euclidean Space

Math 303: Section 27

Dr. Janssen



The length/magnitude/norm of the vector \(\v = \left[\begin{matrix} v_1 \\ v_2 \end{matrix}\right]\) in \(\R^2\) is

\[ \norm{\v} = \sqrt{v_1^2 + v_2^2}. \]

The dot product of vectors \(\u = [ u_1 \ u_2 \ \cdots \ u_n]^\textsf{T}\) and \(\v = [ v_1 \ v_2 \ \cdots \ v_n]^\textsf{T}\) in \(\R^n\) is

\[ \u\cdot \v = u_1 v_1 + u_2 v_2 + \cdots + u_n v_n. \]

The norm \(\norm{\v}\) of \(\v\in\R^n\) is

\[ \norm{\v} = \sqrt{\v\cdot\v}. \]

Alternatively, \(\u\cdot\v = \u^\textsf{T}\v\).

Preview Activity 27.1 Discussion

Theorem 1 Let \(\u,\v,\w\) be vectors in \(\R^n\) and let \(c\) be a scalar. Then

  • \(\u\cdot \v = \v\cdot \u\)
  • \((\u + \v)\cdot \w = (\u\cdot \w) + (\v\cdot \w)\)
  • \((c\u) \cdot \v = \u\cdot (c\v) = c(\u\cdot \v)\)
  • \(\u\cdot \u \ge 0\) with equality if and only if \(\u = \mathbf{0}\)
  • \(\norm{c\u} = |c| \norm{\u}\)

Distance between vectors

Definition 1 Let \(\u,\v\in\R^n\). The distance between \(\u\) and \(\v\) is the length of the difference \(\u - \v\), or

\[ \norm{\u - \v}. \]

Angle between two vectors


\[ \cos\theta = \frac{\u\cdot\v}{\norm{\u} \norm{\v}}. \]

Activity 27.1

  • The vectors \(\e_1 = [1 \ 0]^\textsf{T}\) and \(\e_2 = [0 \ 1]^\textsf{T}\) are perpendicular in \(\R^2\). What is \(\e_1 \cdot \e_2\)?
  • Suppose \(\u,\v\) are any vectors in \(\R^n\). If their angle is \(90^\circ\), what does the previous equation tell us about \(\u\cdot \v\)? What if \(\u\cdot\v = 0\)–what is the angle between the two vectors?
  • Explain why the following definition makes sense: two vectors \(\u\), \(\v\) in \(\R^n\) are orthogonal if \(\u\cdot\v = 0\).
  • According to the previous definition, to which vectors is \(\mathbf{0}\) orthogonal? Does this make intuitive sense? Explain.

Activity 27.2

  • Find the angle between the two vectors \(\u = [1 \ 3 \ -2 \ 5]^\textsf{T}\) and \(\v = [5 \ 2 \ 3 \ -1]^\textsf{T}\).
  • Find, if possible, two non-parallel vectors orthogonal to \(\u = [ 0 \ 3 \ -2 \ 1]^\textsf{T}\).

Orthogonal projections

Activity 27.3: Calculating Projection

Since the orthogonal project \(\proj_\v \u\) is in the direction of \(\v\), there is a constant \(c\) such that \(\proj_\v \u = c\v\). So let’s solve for \(c\).

  • The component of \(\u\) acting perpendicular to \(\v\) is called the projection of \(\u\) orthogonal to \(\v\) and is denoted \(\proj_{\perp \v} \u\). Write an equation involving \(\proj_{\perp \v} \u\), \(\proj_\v \u\), and \(\u\). Solve for \(\proj_{\perp \v} \u\).
  • Given that \(\v\) and \(\proj_{\perp \v} \u\) are orthogonal, what does that tell us about \(\v \cdot \proj_{\perp \v} \u\)? Combine this with the previous part and the observation that \(\proj_\v \u = c\v\) to obtain an equation involving \(\v\), \(\u\), and \(c\).
  • Solve for \(c\).
  • Use the value of \(c\) to identify \(\proj_\v \u\).


Let \(\u, \v\) be vectors in \(\R^n\) with \(\v\ne \mathbf{0}\).

The orthogonal projection of \(\u\) onto \(\v\) is the vector

\[ \proj_\v \u = \frac{\u\cdot\v}{\norm{\v}^2} \v. \]

The projection of \(\u\) orthogonal to \(\v\) is the vector

\[ \proj_{\perp \v} \u = \u - \proj_\v \u. \]

Activity 27.4

Let \(\u = \left[\begin{matrix} 5 \\ 8 \end{matrix}\right]\) and \(\v = \left[\begin{matrix} 6 \\ - 10 \end{matrix}\right]\). Find \(\proj_\v \u\) and \(\proj_{\perp \v} \u\) and draw a picture to illustrate.

Orthogonal Complements

The definition

Let \(W\) be a subspace of \(\R^n\) for some \(n\ge 1\). The orthogonal complement of \(W\) is the set

\[ W^\perp = \setof{\x \in \R^n}{\x \cdot \w = 0 \text{ for all } \w\in W}. \]

PA 27.2

Let \(W = \span\set{[1 \ -1]^\textsf{T}}\) in \(\R^2\). Completely describe all vectors in \(W^\perp\) both algebraically and geometrically.

Activity 27.5

We have seen another example of orthogonal complements. Let \(A\) be an \(m\times n\) matrix with rows \(\r_1, \r_2, \ldots, \r_m\) in order. Consider the three spaces \(\null A\), \(\row A\), and \(\col A\) related to \(A\), where \(\row A = \span\set{\r_1, \r_2, \ldots, \r_m}\). Let \(\x\) be a vector in \(\row A\).

  • What does it mean for \(\x\) to be in \(\row A\)?
  • Now let \(\y\) be a vector in \(\null A\). Use the result of the previous part and the fact that \(A\y = \mathbf{0}\) to explain why \(\x\cdot y = \mathbf{0}\). Explain how this verifies that \((\row A)^\perp = \null A\).
  • Use \(A^\textsf{T}\) in place of \(A\) in the previous part to show that \((\col A)^\perp = \null A^\textsf{T}\).

Summary Theorem 27.9

Let \(A\) be \(m\times n\). Then

\[ (\row A)^\perp = \null A \text{ and } (\col A)^\perp = \null A^\textsf{T}. \]

It’s enough to check a basis

Theorem 2 Let \(\mathcal{B} = \set{\w_1, \w_2, \ldots, \w_m}\) be a basis for a subspace \(W\) of \(\R^n\). A vector \(\v\) in \(\R^n\) is orthogonal to every vector in \(W\) if and only if \(\v\) is orthogonal to every vector in \(\mathcal{B}\).

Activity 27.6

Let \(W = \span \set{\left[\begin{matrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ 0 \end{matrix}\right], \left[\begin{matrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \end{matrix}\right]}\). Find all vectors in \(W^\perp\).