Stat 203 Lecture 16
What is the unknown parameter in the quilpie
The probability function of \(y\) is
\[ \mathcal{P}(y; \mu) = \mu^y (1-\mu)^{1-y}. \]
for \(y = 0\) or \(y = 1\).
(first draft)R
(first draft)[1] "Year" "Rain" "SOI" "Phase" "Exceed" "y"
mu <- c(0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8) # Candidate values to test
ll <- rep(0, 5) # A place-holder for the log-likelihood values
for (i in 1:5)
ll[i] <- sum( dbinom(quilpie$y, size=1, prob=mu[i], log=TRUE))
data.frame(Mu=mu, LogLikelihood=ll)
Mu LogLikelihood
1 0.2 -63.69406
2 0.4 -48.92742
3 0.5 -47.13401
4 0.6 -48.11649
5 0.8 -60.92148
When there is a single parameter \(\zeta\), the derivative of the log-likelihood function is called the score function, denoted
\[ U(\zeta) = d\ell / d\zeta, \]
and the equation to be solved for \(\hat\zeta\) is the score equation, \(U(\hat\zeta) = 0\).
The log-probability function of the Bernoulli distribution is
\[ \log \mathcal{P}(y; \mu) = y\log \mu + (1-y) \log(1-\mu). \]
Write \(\mathcal{J}(\zeta)\) for minus the second derivative of the log-likelihood with respect to \(\zeta\):
\[ \mathcal{J}(\zeta) = - \frac{d^2 \ell(\zeta; y)}{d\zeta^2} = - \frac{d U(\zeta)}{d\zeta}. \]
This is called the observed information.
Thus, \(\mathcal{J}(\zeta)\) is a measure of the precision of the estimate \(\hat{\zeta}\); that is, \(\mathcal{J}(\zeta)\) measures how much information is available for estimating \(\zeta\).
The expected information is \(\mathcal{I}(\zeta) = E[\mathcal{J}(\zeta)]\). It measures the average information available for the parameter from the model and the specified parameter value.
For models we consider this semester, expected information will be easier to evaluate.
We see
\[ \frac{d^2 \ell(\mu; y )}{d\mu^2} = \frac{d U(\mu)}{d\mu} = \frac{-\mu (1-\mu) - (y-\mu)(1-2\mu)}{\mu^2(1-\mu)^2}. \]
Exercise. \(\mathcal{I}(\zeta) = E[U(\zeta)] = \text{var}[U(\zeta)]\).
A Taylor series expansion of the log-likelihood around \(\zeta = \hat\zeta\) shows that
\[ \text{var}[\hat\zeta] \approx 1/\mathcal{I}(\zeta). \]