MLE for More Than One Parameter and Properties

Stat 203 Lecture 17

Dr. Janssen

Standard Errors of Parameters


Exercise. \(\mathcal{I}(\zeta) = E[U(\zeta)] = \text{var}[U(\zeta)]\).

A Taylor series expansion of the log-likelihood around \(\zeta = \hat\zeta\) shows that

\[ \text{var}[\hat\zeta] \approx 1/\mathcal{I}(\zeta). \]

Score Equations for More than One Parameter


For regression models, the log-likelihood function is

\[ \ell (\beta_0, \beta_1, \ldots, \beta_p; y) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \log\mathcal{P}(y_i; \mu_i, \phi). \]

The score functions have the form:

\[ U(\beta_j) = \frac{\partial \ell(\beta_0, \beta_1, \ldots, \beta_p ; y)}{\partial\beta_j} = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \frac{\partial \log\mathcal{P}(y_i; \mu_i, \phi)}{\partial\mu_i} \frac{\partial\mu_i}{\partial\beta_j}. \]

Example: quilpie

Recall that \(\mu = \text{Pr}(y=1)\) is the probability that the 10mm rain threshold is exceeded. A (bad) direct linear model could be

\[ \mu = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x. \]


\[ \log \frac{\mu}{1-\mu} = \eta = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x. \]

Information: Observed and Expected

Observed Information

When we have more than one parameter:

\[ \mathcal{J}_{jk}(\beta) = - \frac{\partial U(\beta_j)}{\partial \beta_k} = - \frac{dU(\beta_j)}{d\mu} \frac{\partial \mu}{\partial \beta_k}. \]

The expected information is \(\mathcal{I}_{jk}(\beta) = E[\mathcal{J}_{jk}(\beta)]\).

The expected information relating to \(\beta_j\) is \(\mathcal{I}_{jj}(\beta)\).

Example: quilpie

We find:

\[ \begin{align*} \mathcal{J}_{00}(\beta) &= - \frac{\partial U(\beta_0)}{\partial\beta_0} = - \frac{d U(\beta_0)}{d\mu} \frac{\partial \mu}{\partial \beta_0} &= \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \mu_i (1-\mu_i); \\ \mathcal{J}_{11}(\beta) &= - \frac{\partial U(\beta_1)}{\partial\beta_1} = - \frac{d U(\beta_1)}{d\mu} \frac{\partial \mu}{\partial \beta_1} &= \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \mu_i (1-\mu_i)x_i^2;\\ \mathcal{J}_{01}(\beta) = \mathcal{J}_{10}(\beta) &= - \frac{\partial U(\beta_1)}{\partial\beta_0} = - \frac{d U(\beta_1)}{d\mu} \frac{\partial \mu}{\partial \beta_0} &= \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \mu_i (1-\mu_i)x_i.\\ \end{align*} \]

Standard Errors of Parameters


\[ \text{var}[\hat{\beta}_j] \approx 1/\mathcal{I}_{jj}(\beta), \]

which means that \(\text{se}(\hat{\beta}_j) \approx 1/\mathcal{I}_{jj}(\hat{\beta})^{1/2}\).

Properties of MLEs

For One Parameter

The MLE of \(\zeta\), denoted \(\hat{\zeta}\), has the following properties.

  • MLEs are invariant. Thus, if \(s\) is one-to-one, \(s(\hat{\zeta})\) is the MLE of \(s(\zeta)\).
  • MLEs are asymptotically unbiased. That is, \(E[\hat{\zeta}] = \zeta\) as \(n\to\infty\).
  • MLEs are asymptotically efficient. That is, no other asymptotically unbiased estimator exists with a smaller variance.
  • MLEs are consistent. The MLE converges to the true value of \(\zeta\) for increasing \(n\).
  • MLEs are asymptotically normally distributed. If \(\zeta_0\) is the true value of \(\zeta\), then \(\hat{\zeta} \sim N(\zeta_0, 1/\mathcal{I}(\zeta_0))\) as \(n\to\infty\).

Exploration (if time)

MLE for Poisson

The Poisson distribution has the probability function

\[ \mathcal{P}(y; \mu) = \frac{\exp(-\mu)\mu^y}{y!} \]

for \(\mu < \infty\) and where \(y\) is a nonnegative integer. Initially, consider estimating the mean \(\mu\) for the Poisson distribution, based on a sample \(y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_n\).

  1. Determine the likelihood function and the log-likelihood function.
  2. Find the score function \(U(\mu)\).
  3. Using the score function, find the MLE of \(\mu\).
  4. Find the observed and expected information for \(\mu\).
  5. Find the standard error for \(\hat{\mu}\).