Course Overview

Math 390

Dr. Janssen

About this course

About Dr. Janssen

  • Tenth year at Dordt
  • Ph.D. in math from Nebraska
  • Family: Laura, Lila (7), Sam (4), Arthur (🐈)
  • Interests: running, board games

Summer 2023 at Custer State Park

“God made the integers. All the rest is the work of man.”

—Leopold Kronecker


  • Not a typical math course
  • Emphasis on reading, writing, discussion (and some historical mathematics)
  • Informal Goal: Ask more questions than we answer

Course Liturgies

  • (Most) classes: a mix of lecture and hands-on historical problems
  • Occasional Friday philosophy discussions
  • Homework due every other Wednesday

Required Resources

  • Katz
  • Hersch
  • MTEF

Major Assessments

  • Historical Term Paper
  • Personal philosophy of mathematics


Don’t use AI.


History of Math in a Very Large Nutshell



  • (Pre-)Mathematical writings exist as far back as we have records, across all cultural barriers
  • Example: Genesis
  • First writings done by scribes, practical mathematics
  • Most of the oldest surviving writing comes from Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Egypt

Greek Mathematics

The “Greeks”

  • First to put logic and proof at the center of mathematics
  • Most growth 600BC—400AD
  • Estimate: 1000 total working mathematicians over the thousand years; only 150 mentioned in surviving texts
  • Dominant form of Greek mathematics: geometry

Famous Greek Mathematicians

  • Thales
  • Pythagoras
  • Euclid
  • Archimedes
  • Hypatia

Non-Western Mathematics

Indian Mathematics

  • Brahmagupta and Bhāskara II: first to work with negative quantities
  • Decimal numeration system (prior to year 600)
  • Introduced the sine of an angle
  • Methods for cube/square roots
  • Arithmetic progressions
  • Quadratic formula

The Islamic Empire (750 AD)

The Islamic Empire

Muhammad ibn Mūsa al-Khwārizmī

  • Mid-9th century
  • Book: al-jabr w’al muqābala
  • Robert of Chester (1145): Latinized al-jabr to algebra
  • “dixit algorismi”
    • \(\to\) algorism
    • \(\to\) algorithm


Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries

  • First universities established in Bologna, Oxford, Paris
  • Interest in kinematics and notions of instantaneous velocity
  • Nicole Oresme (U. Paris) — represent changing quantities
  • Trade with Islamic Empire
  • Liber Abacci (1202) by Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci)

Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries

  • Maya developed base 20 numeration, calendars
  • Sophisticated mathematics done in China, India, Arabic cultures
  • Insulated from one another and Europe
  • Europeans develop navigation in 15th century; six trig functions standardized

Algebra and Calculus

Viète and Descartes

François Viète (1540-1603)

René Descartes (1596-1650)

Three Innovations in Algebra

  • Search for a general solution to quintic
  • Algebra linked to coordinate geometry
  • Fermat’s new problems/Fermat’s Last “Theorem”: \(x^n +y^n \ne z^n\) for all \(n\ge 3, x,y,z\ge 1\)

Calculus and Applied Mathematics

  • Until recently, “applied math” generally meant “physics”
  • Galileo and Kepler used Greek geometry of conic sections to describe the solar system
  • Study of motion raised difficult questions

Newton and Leibniz

Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)


  • The most prolific mathematician in history
  • Introduced many conventions and notations still in use, e.g., function notation
  • Popularized the use of \(\pi\), \(e\)

Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)



  • Aftermath of French Revolution — new emphasis on education
  • Mathematicians were expected to teach, and students to learn
  • New emphasis on clarity, precision and rigor; how can a student understand what a teacher does not?

C.F. Gauss

  • Could do arithmetic at age 3
  • Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (1801)
  • Number theory is the “queen of mathematics”
  • Work spanned pure and applied mathematics, and physics

Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)

19th Century

Rigor and Foundations

  • Weierstrauss formally defined continuity
  • Cantor introduced the notion of a set
  • Foundations of calculus (analysis) set
  • Dedekind and Peano investigated the foundations of arithmetic
  • Galois/Abel: insolubility of the quintic


  • Centuries-long exploration of the parallel postulate concludes
  • Gauss, Bolyai, Lobachevsky, Riemann discovered non-Euclidean geometries
  • Einstein needed Riemannian geometry to describe his theory of gravitation

Twentieth-Century Developments

  • Hilbert’s 23 Problems
  • Abstraction
  • Proliferation
  • Specialization
  • Computation
  • Data
  • Clay Math Institute’s Millennium Problems
  • Wiles’ Theorem and progress on Twin Primes