Early Greek Mathematics

Math 390 Lecture 4

Dr. Janssen



  • Greek life circa 600 BCE
  • Learned not to accept answers handed down from ancient times
  • World was knowable by rational inquiry
  • Idea of mathematical proof comes from the Greeks
  • Sources are copies of copies of copies and typically date around 1000 CE (originals: 300 CE)

Greek Numeration

Greek Symbol Roman Greek Symbol Roman
\(\alpha\) 1 \(\iota\) 10
\(\beta\) 2 \(\kappa\) 20
\(\gamma\) 3 \(\lambda\) 30
\(\delta\) 4 \(\mu\) 40
\(\epsilon\) 5 \(\nu\) 50
\(\digamma\) 6 \(\xi\) 60
\(\zeta\) 7 \(o\) 70
\(\eta\) 8 \(\pi\) 80
\(\theta\) 9 koppa 90

Early Greek Mathematicians

Thales of Miletus (624-547 BCE)

  • Earliest Greek mathematician
  • Prediction of a solar eclipse in 585 BCE
  • SAS application to measuring distance to a ship at sea
  • Proved the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal
  • Started science as we know it

Pythagoras (572-497 BCE)

  • Settled in Crotona in 530 BCE
  • More mystic than rational thinker; commanded great respect from his followers
  • “Number was the substance of all things”
  • Interested in different types of numbers (e.g., triangular, etc.)

Pythagorean Theorem

  • Known in other cultures long before Pythagoras
  • Pythagoreans assumed that everything could be counted, including lengths.
  • Thus, one needs a measure, which becomes the (indivisible) unit length.
  • Pythagoreans assumed such a measure existed for the side lengths and hypotenuse of a right triangle.
  • 430 BCE: Side length and hypotenuse are incommensurable.


A hint from Aristotle

If the side and diagonal (of a unit square) are assumed commensurable, then one may deduce that odd numbers equal even numbers.

Famous Geometry Problems

  • Squaring the Circle
  • Doubling the Cube
  • These were attempted by Hippocrates of Chios (mid-fifth century BCE) and seemingly recorded in a textbook on geometry

Plato (429-347 BCE)

  • Academy founded in Athens around 385 BCE
  • Legend: “Let no one ignorant of geometry enter here.”
  • Mathematical education of philosopher-kings: arithmetic, plane geometry, solid geometry, astronomy, and harmonics (music)

Key figures

  • Pythagoras and his followers
  • Plato
  • Aristotle

The Pythagoreans


  • 580-500 BCE
  • Born at Samos
  • Some say he studied under Thales, unlikely given age difference
  • Traveled to Egypt, Babylon, and possibly India
  • Contemporary of Buddha, Confucius, and Laozi
  • Said to have coined the words philosophy and mathematics



  • Founded after travels on the island of Croton, SE coast of Italy
  • Knowledge and property held in common; attribution given to the group (but really the master)
  • Mathematical interest moved beyond the exigencies of daily life toward a love of wisdom
  • Motto: “All is number”

Number Mysticism

  • Odd numbers have male attributes, even numbers female
  • ‘There is divinity in odd numbers’
  • 1: The generator of numbers and the number of reason
  • 2: First even/female number; the number of opinion
  • 3: the first true male number, the number of harmony, composed of unity and diversity
  • 4: number of justice or retribution, indicating the squaring of accounts
  • 5: the number of marriage, the union of the first true male/female numbers
  • 6: the number of creation
  • 10, the tetractys: the holiest of numbers, representing the number of the universe, including the sum of all possible geometric dimensions

Figurate Numbers

  • 10, the holy tetractys, is an example of a triangular number
  • The pentagonal numbers are given by \(1+4+ 7 + \cdots + (3n-2) = \frac{n(3n-1)}{2}\)
  • The hexagonal numbers were derived from the sequence \(1+5+9+\cdots + (4n-3) = 2n^2 - n\)
  • And so on for larger polygonal numbers (and polyhedral numbers)

All things which can be known have number; for it is not possible that without number anything can be either conceived or known.

[The tetractys was] great, all-powerful and all-producing, the beginning and the guide of the divine as of the terrestrial life.

–Philolaus (died in approx.~390 BCE)

Arithmetic and Cosmology

What is a number?

  • Mesopotamia: number applied to spatial extension
  • Egypt: natural numbers and unit fractions
  • Babylonians: field of rational fractions
  • In Greece, “number” meant (positive) integer; fractions of integers described the relationship of ratio
  • When lengths of vibrating strings could be expressed as ratios of simple whole numbers, the results were harmonious
  • 2:1 is an octave, 2:3 is the fifth, 3:4 is the fourth
  • Extrapolated that the heavenly bodies emitted harmonious tones: the “harmony of the spheres”